
Position: Product specialist

About me

Most rewarding part of my job:

Creating magical holidays for clients, learning about new destinations and sharing my knowledge with my clients.

My next holiday:

Cape Town and South African Safari

Best travel tip:

Just have fun and leave your worries at the door.

Countries I have visited:

Nauru, Guam, Philippines, England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Finland, Hawaii, France, Germany, Peru, Chile, USA, Singapore, India, South Pacific, Australia, UAE, Belize, Dominican Republic, Barbados, Jamaica, Malaysia, Mexico, Bahamas, San Salvador Island, Caicos Islands, Sweden, Switzerland, Netherlands, Spain, Panama, Saint Lucia, Virgin Islands, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Borneo, Japan, Easter Island, Colombia, Spain, Malta, Israel, South Korea

My claim to fame:

Winning a Karaoke competition in Jamaica and everyone asking for my autograph and picture. That felt like my five minutes of fame.

Most memorable cultural experience:

Helping a local farm owner in Peru to pick local produce and learning about the culture and amazing people.

Travel Photos